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5 Tips From Beach Wedding Celebrant To Arrange An Affordable Beach Wedding

November 18, 2020 by Joe Rogers0
Paul Wheeler

5 Tips To Arrange Beach Wedding

Wedding planning, and in general a beach wedding, is not an easy job, because it can get really costly if it’s not handled carefully. There are so many things to keep in mind that if you don’t follow a comprehensive plan, expenses will start to increase, and you can end up paying quite a bit of money. In this post, we’re going to try to share 5 tips, coming from an experienced beach wedding celebrant in Sydney, to hold your wedding on a low budget.

  1. Limit the number of guests down to a small amount   

Getting a low amount of guests can be difficult to manage in a typical wedding because if the wedding is held in your local church and the reception is also in your local town, the list of guests tends to increase. But on the other hand, if the wedding is conducted on a beach where guests need to drive to attend, the number of guests naturally decreases.

  1. You don’t have to settle for the most expensive dresses available

Wedding gowns are probably one of the largest costs of a wedding. However, if you are planning a beach wedding, you don’t need to buy extravagant clothing. In reality, a wedding dress doesn’t need to be a wedding dress. Any elegant white dress will be fitting for this event, and this form of dress would be cheaper than a traditional wedding dress.

  1. Get a light lunch with you

According to several renowned beach wedding celebrants in Sydney, it is advisable to celebrate a beach wedding early in the evening in order to keep the food costs down. If your wedding is at noon, you’re going to have to deliver a full lunch and the same thing if the party is at night. In the evening, you can deliver a light lunch focused on salads, keeping costs down.

  1. No need to hire a professional photographer

In the past, it was necessary to employ a skilled photographer to get great photos. However there are so many amazing digital cameras available nowadays, and almost everybody has one and knows how to get the most out of it. You can hire a college photographer, or you can ask one of your family members to take photos. In fact, after your wedding, you can ask other guests to share their pictures with you.

  1. Design your own homemade cards  

Traditional invitation cards can also be costly. Beach weddings, however, allow you to create your own homemade invitations rather than paying for traditional invitations. You can be imaginative, just buy the stationary and print it in your own printer.

These are our top 5 tips, coming from an experienced beach wedding celebrant in Sydney, to help you arrange a beach wedding under a low budget. There’ll be more ways to spend less money planning your wedding, but the most important thing is to have a strategy and follow it as best as you can, so as not to be disappointed.

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