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August 13, 2019 Joe Rogers0

The baby naming ceremony is one of the most joyous occasions in your life that formally welcome your child into the world. The ceremony will not only identify your child with a specific name but also celebrate the child’s existence. It is obvious that you have booked a celebrant and picked a date. But how do you make sure that the naming ceremony for your baby goes off without a hitch and becomes memorable for your family, relatives, and friends?


August 7, 2019 Joe Rogers0

Celebrants are an essential part of any wedding ceremony, regardless of its style, themes, and location. While some of them may charge you more and might not be open enough to accept changes or unique styles, others may come with a picture-perfect blend of class and charm. These wedding and marriage celebrants will be a great addition to the overall atmosphere of your Sydney wedding ceremony.

There are plenty of celebrants available to officiate your wedding. How do you know which ones are worthy of your time, patience and money to help make your marriage stand out?